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Friday, February 29, 2008

Inspection Update

I woke up this morning just ready to get this home-buying thing done! :-) Our home inspection is now set for Monday morning at 9... and this is when we really need for you to keep your fingers crossed so that nothing comes back which will be a "deal breaker."


Alice said...

Ok, fingers crossed here. I'll tell Jamie when she gets back here.

Anonymous said...

Your mom forgot to tell me about the inspection, but it has been a crazy day. I am now dog sitting Albus.

Inspection is nerve racking, because in general, no house is withtout need of repairs, but most are minor. I will pray for structurally sound!

Merrilee said...

Fingers are still crossed. Should I cross something else, like my legs or eyes, for more luck??

Alaina said...

Hooray! Congratulations! Hoping it goes well on Monday!!!