My back is up to about fifty percent as of this morning. However, I was afraid that if I try to push through a full 8-5 day at school (standing for two hours of lecturing, sitting in my upright office chair for four hours and supervising work in the costume shop, requiring all sorts of bending and lifting0 that I would be back to square one. So instead I took today off to hopefully let my back have one more day of healing. Of course that means that it is 10:00 and I'm bored out of my mind (since there are projects around the house that could be done but somehow they all involve lifting, or standing on ladders which goes against the whole point of my staying home).
So I'm checking e-mail and surfing blogs... and I found out that I won two bloggy give-aways! How exciting... when I receive them I will most definitely post about them. And through one of my wins I found a Christmas/Home for the Holidays swap. And what can I say? I love Christmas! So... I thought I'd join. The packages don't have to be shipped out until Dec. 8 which gives me lots of time to buy/make/find the contents! Would you like to join along with the Christmas Swap too? If so, click here!
5 hours ago
Sorry that your back is still not feeling good, I hope it feels better soon. Congrats on your bloggy wins though.
I hope that your back feels better soon!!!! So I guessthat you're not going to be tosssing Reid's anvil around any time soon????
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