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Thursday, October 16, 2008

What?? A middle of the week post

This week is FALL BREAK!! That means no school Thursday and Friday and I can not tell you how excited that makes me. Of course I have a stack of work that I should do to prep for the next few weeks but just the idea of having some down time (as I plan to spend a good portion of this afternoon lying on the sofa with Tater reading plays) is doing great things to my energy and morale levels.

This has also been a big week of picture taking for us. First off, the most important... guess what came on Tuesday!

Reid said repeatedly "I've never worked on an anvil this new before!" And now it's his!

This picture gives you a different angle on the anvil and a bit of size comparison (Tater is an average size beagle). Also we took these pictures right after we got home from work and Tater would NOT get out of the picture... when we get home he wants to be right up in our business for at least the first half hour or so (or until he gets his dinner).

This is the snow that we woke up to on Tuesday morning (and which continued to come down until about 10am). It, of course, quickly dissappeared and the sun is now shining on a day that is at least 50 degrees. But it was a nice foreshadowing of winter to come. It made me want to sing Christmas carols all the way to work... however, as I was carpooling with Reid I refrained.

And this is what we woke up to on Wednesday morning... fog... but you can see the horses that are in our pasture through the trees. There are four adults and one colt in all. It seems like a win-win situation. The woman who is renting the pasture from us has someplace to put her horses and we are getting a little bit of income from land that would otherwise just be sitting there.

This is a picture of what we come home to every evening (though this was actually taken this morning). Most evenings I pick up his toys and put them in his toy basket. Then throughout the day he goes to his toy basket and pulls them out one-by-one, spreading them all over the living room floor. But at least they're only his toys.

And here's the toy culprit... he was wanting to get on my lap while I was typing up this blog until I went and got his basket to sleep in (which had to be put in the same room as the computer... no, he's not spoiled).

And finally... a pretty picture of the sun setting over the San Juan Mountains from our back porch.


Anonymous said...

Who's that stud in the first picture?


Unknown said...

I will bet he has never worked on an anvil that short either!

What fun!

And Tater is looking good.

How come no pictures of Jenna?

Jamie said...

Gorgeous landscaping pictures. I like the horses too.
And the stud with the anvil looks very happy as well.

Alice said...

Ok, I posted right after Reid and it isn't here!!
I said: " I like posts with lots of pictures"
this has happened to me a couple of times!