Wesley's Timeline

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, September 18, 2009


Well, I am now 19 weeks pregnant and according to BabyCenter he or she is roughly the size of an heirloom tomato (or 6" head to rump) and weighs about 8 1/2 oz (slowly approaching the poud mark... slowly).

I am definitely feeling rounder than I was last week though I'm not sure a picture would back that up. It's a little bit harder to bend forward at the waist and my abdomen feels firmer. The big development of the week though is that I "think" I am starting to feel movement. There is definitely something happening in very brief spurts that is not the unpleasant or sharp stabbing of ligament pain (which I have had for the last couple of weeks at odd intervals) and I suppose it could possibly feel like the fluttering that the nurse and the books have described. Most of the time by the time I register that it is happening and turn my attention to it, it is gone. I'm assuming that over the next few weeks if these sensations are indeed the baby they will become more and more pronounced and thus easier for me to identify as him/her and not me! Apparently movement has been on my mind because in the middle of the night I woke up from a dream where I was certain I felt the baby move and it really did take me a moment to distinguish dream from reality.

And one week from yesterday I'll (hopefully) be able to quit referring to the baby as him/her (it is getting old much too quickly) and will be able to use the one appropriate pronoun.


JayD said...

Yeah! Updates JUST for Dad :-)

Julie said...

we are looking forward to your correct pronoun usage.

Alice said...

Just remember that some of us had to wait the full 40 weeks to know the proper pronoun!

Jenna said...

Mom, if you want we can wait to tell you... :) Somehow I don't think you want us to... :)

Jamie said...

Sorry I have not been blog reading lately. I cannot believe we get to find out tomorrow (if all goes well!) So excited, then I can start shopping in earnest.